Ryan and Matt "Pubescent" Amberg open things up by talking about how Matt LOVES a few good men, boys of the fan variety, and Daredevil while Ryan is off having casual encounters with Tetris owners, Chinatown, and Fast and Furious 7. Then it's all games with Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast and Furious RIP Paul Walker Slow Down Around the Corners, Bastion, Super Time Force Ultra, Bloodborne, The Last of Us, OlliOlli 2, Counter Spy, Evolve Hunter's Quest, Star Wars Card Trader, and Mortal Kombat X on your mobile iPhone device.
Then they pull something talking about 3 Assassin's Creed Chronicles games, Destiny's House of Wolves, Quantum Break and Dead Island 2 delays, Lego Dimensions, Block Ops 3, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, and Guitar Hero Live.