E3 2015 Day 1ish
Ryan and Matt "Sir Talksalot" Amberg have absorbed through numerous orifices the many announcements of E3 thus far and regurgitate it in the following order: Doom (4?), Dishonored 1 and 2, Fallout 4, Ryan's first hand experience with Xbox One's backwards compatibility and the Gears of War Ultimate beta, Cuphead, The Division, For Honor, Rainbow Six Siege: Angela Basset Edition, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Assassin's Creed Syndican't think of a better title, Star Wars Battlefront, Unravel, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Mass Effect Andromeda, The Last Guardian, Horizon: Zero Dawn, a new Hitman game, Street Fighter 5, No Man's Sky, Dreams, Firewatch, Shenmue 3, Uncharted 4, Black Ops 3, and Disney Infinity 3. More E3 casts to come!