Episode 68 - Please Contact Matt Amberg for Podcast Title

Episode 68 - Please Contact Matt Amberg for Podcast Title

Ryan and Matt Amber G discuss doping for the show, old cartoons,changes to the website, Sanjay's Super Team, We Can't Live Without Cosmos, Creed, Spotlight, and Deadly Friend before it's on to time spent with Superhot, Hitman, Destiny, Rocket League, Shadow of Mordor, and Rock Band 4. Also Dead Island 2 gets a home, Star Wars Battlefront and Xcom 2 DLC details, Street Fighter V is almost a game, DOOM gets a closed-open beta-demo, Quantum Break and TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan get trailers, Gears of War 4 gets casted, Microsoft opens up a little, Playstation VR gets a price, and Coleco says "nooooope!"

Episode 69 - Strokes

Episode 69 - Strokes

Episode 67 - Facebears R Us

Episode 67 - Facebears R Us