[GIVEAWAY] Fallout 4 Prize Pack Contest!!

[GIVEAWAY] Fallout 4 Prize Pack Contest!!

Hello all you fine wastelanders out there!

Say, has it been awhile since you've traveled to the east coast? Maybe...oh, I don't know...somewhere in or around Boston? Well, our friends at Vault-Tec have provided us with a simple, yet effective way to visit your favorite post-nuclear part of Massachusetts from the comfort of your very own vault!

That's right, 0HITPOINTS is giving away a copy of Fallout 4 for the platform of your choice! There'll be a few more goodies added to this Fallout prize pack and winning is very easy!

We want you to send us an email describing your ORIGINAL (as in, not in any other Fallout games at all) perk! A simple 1 or 2 lines describing what your perk is called and what it does for you is all you've gotta do. It can be anything you want, just be creative with it! Add drawings or pictures, get crazy with your irradiated self!

Step 1. Follow us on Twitter
Step 2. Like us on Facebook
Step 3. Send us an email with your ORIGINAL perk idea!!

Fallout 4 releases on November 10th so this contest will run until Thursday, November 5th* with the winner being announced on Friday, November 6th. That gives you a little over a week to get your submissions in! 

We'll read through all of the submissions and choose the one we like the best! We will announce the winner and contact that person through email (so make sure you don't send us an entry with a bogus email!).

PLEASE NOTE: Emails that do NOT contain an ORIGINAL perk idea will not be eligible to win the contest! So make sure you do that!!

Now, the fine print:

    Fallout 4 Giveaway Contest Rules and Regulations
  • 1 submission per person. Multiple entries may result in a disqualification from winning the Fallout 4 Giveaway.
  • There will be only 1 winner
  • 0HITPOINTS cannot guarantee day 1 delivery of the game excepting in the case of digital downloads. 0Hitpoints is not responsible for any issues with shipping, handling or delivery.
  • This contest is for one (1) copy of Fallout 4 with the winner choosing the platform. This copy of Fallout 4 cannot be replaced or substituted for any other game or form of currency.
  • Contest runs from October 28th 2015 - November 5th 2015. A winner will be chosen and contacted through email no later than November 6th 2015.
  • By submitting an entry into this Fallout 4 Giveaway, you grant 0Hitpoints the right to utilize any original artwork, original images and original writing on our site (0Hitpoints.com), our twitter account (@0HP) or our facebook (fb.com/0HITPOINTS) in any reasonable way we see fit, with full credit given, in regards to the Fallout 4 Giveaway contest only. You will retain all ownership of said works.
  • "Perks" must be wholly original, created by you and not found in any Fallout game. "Perks" that are exact replicas or very similar (similarities will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis) may be forfeited and disqualified from winning the contest. A perk idea must be submitted to qualify for the giveaway
  • 0HITPOINTS reserves the right to disqualify any and all participants rendering the winning prize null and void at any time with sufficient reasoning and explanation

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