Hitplay #19 aka Hobotown: The Movie Part III

Hitplay #19 aka Hobotown: The Movie Part III

"So then this one homeless guy says to the other homeless guy, he says "I'm hax0rz" and then they shoot some guys for a while!" is what I'll say to my grandkids through a wrinkly smirk right before I pass into that great computer in the sky. Maybe then they'll understand. Maybe.

Hitplay #20 - Old Underscore Yeller

Hitplay #20 - Old Underscore Yeller

Hitplay #18 - Watch_Dogs, Bad-Blo0d D/L.C> C@mp&ig;n Part 2oo

Hitplay #18 - Watch_Dogs, Bad-Blo0d D/L.C> C@mp&ig;n Part 2oo