0Hitpoints! Now on Facebook!

I know! It's insanity! 0Hitpoints is now on Facebook! It's been a rough go getting there being that it's one of the most exclusive clubs around but after a lot of work (and maybe some bribes to the bouncers), we're in. 

So, since you're not doing anything ridiculously important right now, why not head over to https://www.facebook.com/0Hitpoints (or click the link at the bottom of this page if you prefer clicking on fun little icons) and "Like" our page? I mean, you can do it later on but why wait? It'll make you feel good. It'll make *us* feel good. And don't we all just want to feel good?

A History of Violence - Mortal Kombat & Me part 1

A History of Violence - Mortal Kombat & Me part 1

*UPDATE #3* No Podcast This Week: An Understanding