Welcome to the Newer-ish ØHITPOINTS!

Has it been that long since this page saw a post? Then it may be no surprise that we've been shifting things around for a while now at ØHITPOINTS.com, so here's a quick rundown of our failings and/or new developments so you can get the most out of your ØHITPOINTS during these trying times:

The ØHITPOINTS Podcast is Different!

When we first fired this thing up we knew we wanted to talk about whatever we wanted, and we nailed it! Movies snuck in (because... us), and eventually we settled on what could only be described as "kind-of Episodes 16 through 154," but somewhere along the way we lost the thread. Which thread we couldn't say, so we tugged on it and the show unraveled into something that magically covers less yet more! Check it out, it's still about video games, it comes out on Tuesday's, and we like it!

Book Club for Movies is Live!

Continued thanks to everyone that told us whether or not we should split our movie mumblings into its own podcast, and continued apologies to the resounding NOs out there but Book Club for Movies is now 27 episodes deep and counting! We still talk about any movies we've seen during the week, but first we start the show with two half-sided discussions about a movie we've all seen... including you! From there it's pretty much a competition to see who can say "diagesis" the fastest and nobody has won yet... including you! For now BCfM is on the same RSS feed as the games cast, or you can clicky subscribe to any of these links where it lives all on its own (iHeart Radio coming soon):

What's Next?

Probably streaming! We're revamping (or just regular ol' vamping in Matt's case) our whole approach to said discipline, so stay tuned for whatever that means, and you might even catch some new experiments along the way. We're still just a couple dingers with day jobs over here so we welcome one and all, and if you're a newcomer from our Hardcore PAX Networking Blast-Splosion™ we extra-welcome you and hope you stick around!

Hitplay #101 embraces #2

Hitplay #101 embraces #2