It's Been a Week Already!?
First things first:
PAX 2015 was *incredible* for us this year. It was an important step in the growth of 0HITPOINTS and the outpouring of support we received from everybody was astounding. The meet-up was a fantastic success, the attendees we spoke to were tremendous and overall (I think I speak for both of us here), this was the best PAX either of us have ever attended.
So, thank you all! Everybody who participated in our shenanigans, the attendees we spoke with in lines or in passing, all of the fantastic devs and 3rd party booth supporters and of course, we would be absolutely remiss to not thank the Enforcers. Especially those over in the Handheld Lounge. Delightful folks, the lot of them.
Now, with PAX behind us, we can get back to looking forward and boy howdy, do we have some grand ideas. To give you a quick idea of some of what we're looking into:
- 2.0 - We know the website could use a major overhaul and it's one of our top priorities. We're in talks with some web designers now. I'd expect to see something updated within the next 3 - 6 months.
- Streaming - Our livestreaming hasn't been gone quite like the clockwork plan we had originally intended but it's slowly getting there. As of right now, we're looking to have the two of us playing regularly on Thursday's at 7:00pm PST/9:00pm EST on We'll also be streaming individually through the 0HP twitch channel.
- Content, Content, Content - We're going to continue focusing on the podcast itself first and foremost. We'll be sticking to our current schedule, getting new episodes out to you every Wednesday unless there is loss of limb or nuclear fallout. Even then...Along with the podcast, we're renewing our efforts to get more written pieces out there. We've got some ideas for more videos as well. So, look forward to all that.
- Music - Last but certainly not least, we're in talks with Sean Armstrong (Sliptide, who provides our current theme song) for some more aural soundscapes with which to pierce your imagination and bring you to a new, more erotic plane of existence. OR it'll just be some great tunes that we'll feature in different segments.
That's just scratching the tip of a very chilly berg o' ice.
It's a funny thing, changing your perspective. Looking back at previous PAX Primes that I've attended, I find that each has a pretty specific set of memories. But this PAX? PAX Prime? This was a whole new ballgame. It was more exciting than ever before and all it's done is help stoke our fire. 0HITPOINTS isn't just a reason to talk about and play video games with my friend. Breathing is enough of a reason for that.
0HITPOINTS means a lot to us. We care about it and we're committed to making sure that is evident in everything we're doing. We hope you stick with us, see how we're going to grow and continually improve because we will and we are. We love where we're at and we've got some fun stuff coming. Thank you for everything so far. We've got so much more to come.