Episode 12 - *sai*

Ryan and Mattress Outlet bring an end to The Great Amiibo Hunt before verifying that Taken 1 is in fact a great movie, then it's on to time spent with Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Sunset Overdrive's after-game (which is a thing), Tetris Ultimate[ly Broken], Assassin's Creed Unity's Dead Kings DLC, Battlefield 4's Final Stand DLC, Far Cry 4, and Telltale's Game of Thrones.

But wait there's more, like the ongoing Evolve DLC saga, Dying Light's half-delay, hot-boxing in Battlefield Hardline, Call of Duty World at War 2 rumors, and the incomparable Laura James Reed's Question of the Weak™.

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Episode 13 - You Did Nazi That Coming

Episode 11 - Dick Clark Blooped Us All