Episode 13 - You Did Nazi That Coming

Ryan and Man-Matt go nazi antiquing and talk about watchable Spider-man movies before getting into it over Far Cry 4, Game of Thrones Episode 1's ending, Scribblenauts: Unlimited, Evolve: Hunter's Quest, tiny bits of Sunset Overdrive and GTA V, the end of Assassins Creed Unity's Dead Kings DLC, IDARB, and the Battlefield Hardline Beta.

Then nobody stopped them from talking about Star Wars: Battlefront news, LEGO Jurassic World and LEGO Avengers, Condemned 3, Dying Light and Halo MCC patch problems, the first 18 minutes of Boodborne, Gearbox's head writer leaving, and the selling of Sony Online Entertainment.

Episode 14 - Screw the Title I'm Going to Disneyland

Episode 12 - *sai*